How to Reset and Clear All Pinned Apps on Taskbar in Windows 11/10

The Taskbar on your Windows 11/10 PC is extremely useful. You can easily pin your most-used apps to the Taskbar and launch it pretty quickly. But, if you have added lots of unwanted apps to the Taskbar or remove all the apps from it. Then resetting and clearing all pinned apps on Taskbar would be a great idea. But the question is, how to reset and clear all pinned apps on Taskbar in Windows? In this article, I will be talking about this only.

Of course, you are allowed to pin almost any app to the Taskbar and remove them individually. But if you don’t want to remove apps one by one, there is an effective method that you can try.

How to Reset and Clear All Pinned Apps on Taskbar in Windows 11/10

Let me explain how to reset and clear all pinned apps on Taskbar in Windows 11/10.

How to Reset and Clear All Pinned Apps on Taskbar in Windows 11/10?

There are two different ways to reset and clear pinned apps from the Taskbar. The first method requires you to find the location where pinned apps are saved and delete them manually. However, the only drawback of this method is that it is time-consuming.

Hence, I would recommend you try the second method in which you have to create a .bat file and get done with the job instantly.

Pinned Items Taskbar Windows

But before you go ahead and give the method a try, make sure to take a backup of registry files or create a system restore point as it will make changes in the registry editor, which might mess up your system.

Reset and Clear All Pinned Apps on Taskbar in Windows 11/10

  • At first, launch Notepad.
  • Then you will need to paste the following command in Notepad.
DEL /F /S /Q /A "%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\*"

REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Taskband /F

taskkill /f /im explorer.exe

start explorer.exe
  • Next, click on File> Save us.
  • Now choose the location of the File. Also, enter any name you wish to keep for the File. However, do ensure that the File has the .bat extension. For instance, you can save the File as file.bat.
  • Next, from the Save as type dropdown menu, select All Files and save the File.
  • Finally, locate the File and double click on it to run the .bat File, and it will reset and clear all pinned apps on Taskbar in Windows 11/10.

Following the above methods will remove all the pinned apps from the Taskbar in Windows 11/10. However, it would not remove the system default apps like the Task view or Cortona. Anyway, I hope this guide has helped you with your question about the topic.

Why Does My Taskbar Keep Disappearing From My Desktop?

Taskbar Behavior Windows

It happens because you have the automatically-hide option enabled on your Taskbar, due to which it keeps disappearing. To change it, follow the steps below:

  • Right-click on your Taskbar and click on Taskbar Settings options.
  • Scroll down and locate the Taskbar behavior section.
  • Click on it, and from there, uncheck the Automatically hide the taskbar option.

Sometimes this can also happen because explorer.exe keeps crashing. In that case, simply restarting your PC will fix the issue.

How Do I Remove Microsoft News From My Windows Taskbar?

The addition of Microsoft News is not an attractive feature for everyone. Most of the time, when working with your battery and sound icon in the Taskbar, we accidentally open the Microsoft News window. To remove this feature from your Taskbar, follow the steps below:

  • Right-click on the Taskbar
  • In the context menu that appears, select News and interests > Turn off.

There you have it! News and Interests will not bother you anymore.

How Do You Re-size the Taskbar in Windows?

  • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type Regedit and hit enter to open Registry Editor.
  • Locate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
  • Right-click on the right side window and select DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  • Name it as TaskbarSi. 
  • Set the value to 0, 1, or 2 to determine the size, which is small, medium, or large. You can do this by double-clicking TaskbarSi.
  • It would be best if you rebooted the PC after that.
Nandini Keshri
Nandini Keshri is a student, writer, and tech enthusiast. When not writing about tech, she loves to write poetry and explore the world.


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