How to Save Office Documents as PDF (Microsoft Office)

It is possible to save any Office document like Word, Excel, or PowerPoint into PDF within the Office tool.  With Office 2010, Microsoft added a free PDF conversion tool that enables you to save your documents in PDF format, making it incredibly simple to convert a Microsoft Office document to PDF format. Let us see how to convert an Office document into a PDF file.

Note: This feature has been available on the version of Microsoft Office since Office 2010.

How to Save Office Documents as PDF [ Office Tip ]

The steps to convert an Office document like Word, Excel, or PowerPoint to a PDF are the same. Let us move on to converting an Office document into a PDF file. Here, we will take Microsoft Word 2016 as an example:

  • Open the Word document that you want to convert into a PDF.
  • Click on the File tab.

Choose the File Tab From the Word Document

  • Choose the Save As option from the left pane. Choose a location you want to save your file.

Save the Document in a Destination Folder

  • In the Save As pop-up window, click the Save as type drop-down menu and choose the PDF (*.pdf) file type. Click Save.

Save the Word Document As PDF

Your Word document will be converted into a PDF file and saved in the destination you chose before converting the Word document. Open the PDF file in Adobe Reader and look through the contents to see if the file was appropriately converted. Note that these steps apply to other Office documents as well.


So, that is it! You can easily convert Office documents like Word, Excel, or PowerPoint to PDF documents within the tool. The built-in PDF converter in Microsoft Office usually does a fine job.

Still, you should always check your PDF document for formatting changes and, in particular, make sure that any pictures, illustrations, and tables that were part of your document were correctly converted.

Sometimes, before converting a picture to PDF format, you may need to convert it to one of the well-known image formats, .tiff or.jpg, such as those used by proprietary engineering tools.


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