How to setup Yahoo’s Second sign-in verification

Yahoo accounts are now more secure than before with the recent launch of Second sign-in verification method introduced which like Google Authentication method sends to you SMS to login to your account once you have successfully verified your password but even though it is very much different from Google’s method.

How to set it up ?

  • Go to your Yahoo Account Edit Mode
  • Look for Link which says Second Sign-in Verification
Second Sign in Yahoo Edit Account
  • This will prompt you to add a mobile number where a verification sms will be sent.
Yahoo Mobile Number Verification
  • Next You will receive  an email that a particular number has been added to your yahoo account the same number where you had requested to send the verification code.
  • Also you will receive an email on  confirmation that yahoo verification is turned on.
  • Once you verify the code this will be turned on.
  • Also you can add more numbers to your account which is useful if you lose your number for some reason.

Setup Second Signin Verifciation

One of the biggest advantage of using this is you can now set recovery using SMS instead of secret question which majority of users forget.

Now the biggest catch here is when you will be prompted for a secret code ? You wont be asked always and every time but only when Yahoo Finds it suspicious i.e. if somebody is trying to access from a different country or when you login from a computer from where you have never logged in i.e public computers. This will also block the hijackers trying to access your account.

Make sure you have updated the number if you moved or changed your number.

How to turn this off ?

Visit the same page and uncheck the box for security signing. This will however enable your secret question option if you have removed it.


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