How to smartly use Windows 7 Restore

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System Restore is the only option in Windows which can help you in getting back your stable configuration when you cannot work further with your computer. Now when the restore happens it brings back the installed softwares and drivers along with the earlier version of your files. Which means any changes you might have made in your documents will get lost. Irony!

The next problem is that Windows 7 doesn’t give you an option to separate out documents completely i.e.

  • You can either opt for only restoring documents and not for system files.
  • You can opt for both document recovery and system files.
  • You can turn the protection off.

However tall his can be very well avoided and System restore can be configure in such a way that you can utilize both these features.

Using  System restore so not to replace your important files :

Go to System Properties in My computers and select System protection. Check the option which says Restore System Settings and  earlier version of files. Click ok and get back to the System protection tab.

Now if you keep all your documents and files organized, you can set to turn off the system protection for that. This way when the system restores takes place your files will not be rolled back to any earlier version you might have.

Restore Configuration Windows 7

Using System restore as Version Manager

Now alternatively you can also choose System Restore as Version System by using the second option which lets you restore previous version of files only which is very useful. Select the drive for which you want to have files restored and click on configure. Then select only restore previous version of file. Now Just select any file and click on Previous version to get back. Now whenever you want to rest.

Previous Version of Files Windows 7 restore

Done with configuration you can very well use One Click system restore methods giving you a worry free time.


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