Recently within a couple of years the use of computing technology has hugely increased and the machine has created a revolution in the world of technological advancement. But there are basic requirements that need to be maintained with the machine. Once you use a computer it’s well known that it starts running a bit slow after days of usage. Very few people know how to use a computer properly.
So if you are having problems with your slow computer try to follow some of the simple steps rather than thinking of having a new one. The main purpose of the article is to show you that how you can increase the speed and performance of computer effectively within the shortest time.
Why your computer gets slow with time ?
The computer gets over loaded and slow as you download and install more and more software and applications. When you download or install too many applications it hampers the speed and performance of your computer. An excess of irrelevant programs than required uses more resources and more of your random Access Memory and thus affects the speed of the machine.
It is important for you to note that the applications that are most damaging are the ones that during startup. When a computer is starting up, it uses a lot of memory and resources to start the core functions of the operating system. When a program starts during start up, the overall start up process slows down substantially. Some computers may even take over 20 minutes to start, as a result of a bogged down start up.
What preventive measures you should take ?
The best thing to do is to prevent irrelevant programs and application from starting up during start up in the first place. The following suggestions will help you and show you how to easily do this. By doing this, the performance and speed of your PC will increase significantly and effectively.
In order to disable the unnecessary programs and applications from starting during the start up, you will have to go to the windows configuration utility. The windows configuration utility is codenamed as “msconfig”.
If you are using Windows XP then to use the windows configuration utility, drag your mouse to the bottom left part of your screen, and click the start button. The start button will show a list programs and items.
- Next, you will have to click on the icon that says “run”; it is usually at the bottom part of the start menu. Once the “run” application has started, type “msconfig” and press enter.
- You will have to select diagnostic start up if you want to disable all applications from running during start up. Selecting diagnostic start up will cause better performance and increase your computers speed significantly. If however you do not want to disable all the programs, then go under the “start up” tab.
- Here you will then find a list of all programs that start during the computer start up. You will also have the option to disable or enable any program you want.
Which Version of Windows you are using ?
Read another 10 Tips to optimize Windows XP
If you are using Windows Vista, you don’t have to use “run” to access the configuration utility; just type “msconfig” on the search bar in the start menu and perform the same process as mentioned above.
If you are using Windows 7 Checkout my exclusive in-depth tutorial to increase the speed and performance of computer
Other recommended applications you can use
Other than using the msconfig application if you are interested in something better and effective then you may download and run a start up cleaner utility application. There are literally many Windows tweaking utilities that include start up management capabilities, but here is a look at the two good ones.
“CCleaner” (which stands for “Crap cleaner”0) can scan your system for all sorts of extras and get rid of them. It offers you with a little more information than msconfig above (in the Program and File column), which may help you know what’s program is what. You can disable and delete items from your Start up using the respective buttons.
If you don’t want to install more software in order to clean up your system (which makes sense), System explorer offers a portable version, and its start up manager is beefy, with hooks into the registry, an online virus checker, and even Google searches for file names. In the System tab, hit the Start up tab to take a look at what’s auto-starting on your PC. Also, the program’s publisher and file path are included, which offer more information about what’s what and what you can afford to disable.
So this goes all with the start up. You can also safely and effectively speed up your computer and free up some of the memory space just within a few minutes. This is done by disabling programs that run automatically when you start your computer. The programmes arrive at your computer on installation of certain applications like Microsoft office or Norton Antivirus. The problem happens not with these one or two programs but with say 10 or 20 programs you install over a few months – the extra processing required to run these, often unnecessary programs, slowly but surely slow down your computer.
Another important tip to speed up and increase your computers performance is that you must uninstall the applications that you use no longer. By doing so, you can free up you’re your hard disk space to a considerable amount and thereby increase the speed at which the computer access programs.
Disk Defragmenter is another free and wonderful tool available to you if you are using Windows that helps you speed up your computer easily and effectively. The disk defragmenter organizes the hard disk in a way to maximize the CPU speed. It is thus recommended for you to run the application at least once a month for a good maintenance of the PC.
Last but not the least, have a regular scan on your PC adware, spyware and malware. While other issues can be easily resolved, the spyware is a dangerous problem that can not only slow down your computer, but also steal private information like passwords and credit card numbers, while potentially corrupting the hard drive.
This guest article was written by Amit Bhawani who writes on Tech Blog and offers PC Tips which are useful for computer users. You can also write a guest article and share your tips and tools.
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