Starting from Firefox 4, All the Add-ons are set to get updated automatically which means if you are if you are testing a current version you will lose it as soon as the updated version for that add-on gets hit. Though thinking from a broader point, specially in terms of security, this is good but some of us might not like this. Follow the steps below :
- Click on Firefox Menu
- Select Add-ons. This will open the Add-ons Manager.
- Look for a configuration icon on top right, click it.
- To disable automatic updates for all add-ons uncheck “Update Add-ons Automatically”
Now if you just want to disable updates for some add-ons.
- Select The Extensions Tab in Add-ons Manager.
- Select the add-on for which you want to disable the Automatic Update.
- Click on link which says More.
- This will give you complete history of that add-ons
- Look for a section which says Automatic Updates. The option that is selected here is the default.
- Change this to Off.
Done this, Firefox will no more update all the add-ons automatically.
Now when an update is available for the extension for which auto update is disabled, you will see a new pane which says Available Updates will appear. You can click on that and update the extensions manually.
Thank you, Ashish Mohta
I’m finding Solutions to fix my problem with automatic update add-ons.