How to type the Rupee Symbol from Keyboard ?

New Indian Rupee Symbol is already finalized but it has to complete the process and it will take quiet sometime to get into the keyboard layout but Thanks to Mangalore based company, Foradian Technologies Pvt Ltd which have created a font used in the Indian Rupee Symbol and can be used by installing the font they have created. Apart from this you can use the key which has tild on it to type in the Rupee Symbol easily.

In this post I have explained how you can install the font, type the indian rupee symbol and preserver the Indian Rupee Font when distributing to other users or when opening in another computer.

Here are the steps :

  • Download the  latest version from here (Rupee_Foradian)
  • Open the fonts folder in your computer in C:WindowsFonts
  • Drag and Drop the downloaded file name Rupee_Foradian.ttf inside this.
  • Close the folder.

How to Install Rupee Font

Now go to any standard editor and you would see the Rupee_Foradian font available like below :

Indian Rupee FontTyping

How to preseve the Indian Rupee Font when sent to other users or computer ?

Now when you create this document using the Indian Rupee Font and send to another user or open in different computer, this font will not work as it is not installed on the other machine. So to presrve the font you should use the option of  “Keep Font Intact” in the word document. Follow the details instruction here

Preserving Font Types in Microsoft Office

Related : Download Free Indian Rupee Symbol Wallpaper

PS: This is till not the official font from Indian Government so make sure you do think about legal implications if any.


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