Getting a new fresh desktop background every few minutes gives a fresh feeling if you work on computer for long time. A couple of days ago we showed you how you can use Windows 7 Library feature to include multiple folders and sub folders for changing the desktop wallpaper.
However if you want to download fresh new backgrounds everyday, Juggler Wallpaper is an excellent option. This application can automatically change wallpaper, download fresh wallpaper from sites like Wallpaper Stock or from any folder you point the application to. It works on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
How to use this application:
Its very simple to use. Once you install the application, it sits in your system tray. So first thing you need to do is open the preferences after you launch it. In here you can choose which folder it should read to pickup desktop backgrounds. There are other options like how often a wallpaper should be changed, include subfolders, etc.
Once done that, to download wallpaper from websites I mentioned above, right click and select Download Wallpaper. Here you can choose between two website and start the download. Below is a complete video demo on how to use the application:
Features of Juggler:
- Rotate / Change Wallpaper every few minutes.
- Confirm before changing the wallpaper. Its non obstructive so don’t worry much.
- Supports picking wallpaper from multiple folders and includes sub-folders.
- Option to Centre, Tile and Fit to screen.
- Download Wallpaper daily.
- Allows to choose resolution of wallpaper you want to download.