Keep your YouTube videos completely secret

YouTube finally has taken its first step to keep videos off from anybody except who knows the direct link to it. This feature is called as Unlisted which means :

“Unlisted” means that only people who know the link to the video can view it. The video will not appear in any of YouTube’s public spaces, such as search results, your channel, or the Browse page, but the link can be shared with anyone. 

This also meansyou dont need a YouTube Account and there is no limit on number of persons it is shared with, making it lot different from a private.

Unlisted YouTube Videos
Unlisted YouTube Videos

Now what has happened with this is YouTube has transfered the burden of Privacy to you because anybody knowing the url can play it and there is no way you can find who saw it because there is no account restriction.

What do you think about this feature ? Would you use it, if yes When ?


  1. first thing that comes to my mind is great gateway for piracy. now people can host copyrighted stuff and “hide” it, so the owner can not find and report them through using search. the reason I notice this, I used to run a self improvement site where we would re-post videos of some famous people and youtube eventually would flag them down and remove them. 🙂
    on the other hand it makes it nice to keep your videos private to your subscribers only.


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