Looks like Facebook next step is to get into offline world of humans with its first step is to let people create business card using the new timeline features, specially using the cover image and other info like your Status Update, Location etc which you have made public in your profile.
To start making your Facebook Business Cards, Go here and start making. You will have to give access to your Facebook Account so it can pull all relevant information and then choose what you want to display on your card. These cards are Printed both sides in colour and Matte laminated.
- Once you allow with all the permissions, it pulls up basic data like College, Place, Phone Number, Email, URL etc.
- You get a template where you can edit the details to change to what you like except you cannot change your Facebook Cover Image. So make sure you have it set properly.
- You can have a status message on back of the business card or the flip side which you need to edit and add as it is pretty random.
- The next step is to go through checklist and confirm everything like spelling etc is all correct.
- Next is the order step where you can again see the preview and do any corrections.
My View on this :
After going through all this for some reason I feel to have more options than just cover page being used. For example its more of pictographic stuff here so I might like to add more of website url or youtube stuff on back instead of having so much area getting wasted for status update.
However if you have done your cover image right, not like mine, then you an get a beautiful Business card which connects your offline and online data into one place. I wish this was dynamic!!!