Make impressive and printable resume with Linkedin Resume Builder

LinkedIn which is the best social network site focusing on your career than just simple update has now a new tool in their arsenal, Resume Builder @ Linkedin Labs which lets you create printable, readable resumes which can be customized by you. This résumé builder also comes with resume management tool where you can have more than one number of resume and each having a different template.

This résumé Builder is a tool from Linkedin Labs where applications are developed by the LinkedIn employees so you don’t have worry about trust but if you still want to be cautious, at the time when you allow the application to access your data for resume creation, give it less duration of permission or remove it once you have tried with it.

Features  of Resume Builder

  • Printable Resumes. You can compare to the default print that is give with linked in with this one.
  • Maintain any number of resume with different templates.
  • You can edit what fields will appear in the resume. By default the blank fields are automatically skipped.
  • Maintain Privacy when it comes to sharing.
  • Download as PDF.

Linked Resume Builder Editor

My two cents before you start using this tool. Make sure your profile is updated with details you want to have their. Since the data is pulled from your profile any update takes time to reflect in the resume builder.  I had to wait for at least 15 Minutes to get updates.  Check out Resume Builder


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