Microsoft Account begins rolling out, Includes a revamped Billing section.

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I had been noticing that every time I went to sign into my Live Account, Microsoft was throwing up a minimal clean page to sign in and I just realized it was actually the Microsoft Account roll-out. Some of you might be still seeing the old page but I am sure you will get it soon. This is how the login page looks like, Notice it’s Microsoft Account everywhere instead of Live Account.

Microsoft Account Login Page

You might get a bit different left section, depending on which product you went to sign in. For example if you go to Hotmail, you would see Skydrive, Hotmail logo etc.

After you successfully login, you should see minimal account page which looks looks kind of boring because I expected tiles 😛

Microsoft Account


New Billing Section :

It seems the billing url which was is now being redirected to which displays your Subscription, App Purchases, game Purchases and even Microsoft Points associated with Xbox account.

Microsoft Account Billing Section

Billing section also has a revamped or probably new section called as Transactions which is a report center for all the purchase etc made from your account. Rest of things can be generated always except the transactions related to Microsoft points will be shown for a period of one year at most. Make sure to use the correct Account on top.

Microsoft Account Transactions

Another important thing to notice here is in case you have a App Hub Account or Any Software subscription from Microsoft, You will have  a drop down as Business Account 1 Business Account 2, Personal Account etc. You can find this right next to your account picture, on top right.

Account Profile in Microsoft Account

Lets us know if you find anything more.


  1. My subscription to MSN Premium Retail – $9.95 per month will expire on Sunday, August 25, 2013. Technically, this renewal should be a simple process. But the MSN instructions were different from what I’m supposed to follow. According to the official instructions, I should click on “subscriptions”, then click on “manage”. Neither one appears on the screen. What should I do now ?

  2. After purchasing a bunch of puzzles from my jig saw puzzle app I received an email telling me I should go to a certain website and complete some more information. I did go to that special website but I am unable to get anything saying what kind of information they want. Could you please help me?


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