nCleaner : Call it CCleaner with more horns

We all know about CCleaner, a perfect application which allows you to clean your computer and fix registry issues with fewer clicks and less of hicks. Today I found nCleaner which sounded like CCleaner but when took a look at features it was a lot more and found it better than it.

As a summary :

Ncleaner home
Ncleaner home

nCleaner has an advanced system and application cleaner with

  • over 90 cleaning items available,
  • Registry Cleaner,
  • Tweak Manager,
  • Advanced Startup Manager,
  • Junk Finder,
  • Free Space Shredder,
  • System Resource Monitor,
  • System Adviser,
  • supports logging and statistics as well as advanced Scheduling.

ncleaner clean junk
Ncleaner clean junk
Ncleaner startup manager
Ncleaner Startup manager
Ncleaner tweak
Ncleaner tweak
Ncleaner system monitor
Ncleaner system monitor

With so many options it does sound good and I will be using it for a while to see whats more in it. How about you ? Try nCleaner


  1. nCleaner has been around for quite a while now and I have used it before but quite a while ago. It does many things very well but does suffer a reputation of removing files that it shouldn’t and unless you are a real expert you would not know what they are if you saw them. Having trashed two of my XP installs before I realised it was this programme causing it and my lack of expert knowledge I could not recommend it to the average user. Maybe for its other functions but certainly not for its cleaning functions it could be used but I would recommend that most people would be far safer staying with CCleaner.


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