The Pagerank Technology introduced by Google is now becoming a matter of self-prestige in the blogging world. Bloggers and webmasters try their best to attain a higher PageRank as this will increase their search engine ranking position and make their blog/site more popular through Google’s eye, but some points are overlooked.
Reasons For Loosing Pagerank:
If you are one of those unlucky people who just lost some degree of PageRank for their blog/site or one of their blog pages, then you need to throw a bright look at some of the points which are very important to maintain your Pagerank. Here are the causes of losing PageRank:
- Increasing outbound/outgoing external links on your blog.
- The significant increase of low PageRank pages within your blog.
- Previous link partners are no longer linking to you
- Link partners have undergone a decrease in their PageRank
- The number of outgoing links on a link partners blog has increased
The best solution or prevention to this is to keep on exchanging links with good PageRank blogs and also submit your blog to free web directories with some healthy PageRank. Though I do not prefer to buy/sell PageRank, it is great when something is free.
Random Misconceptions about Pagerank
The biggest misconception about PageRank is:
- It will make your blog rank higher in search engines; in other words, PageRank causes a good search engine ranking position.
I’m afraid that’s not right. Search engine ranking position depends on search engine optimization; however if we compare two blogs that target the exact keywords and are both properly search engine optimized, and one of them has a PageRank 5, and the other has a PageRank 4, then definitely the blog with higher PageRank will get a higher position in search engines for a particular keyword.
The other misconception is:
- Getting a backlink for a blog with a higher PageRank is better than a lower one
Wrong! In this case, you need to emphasize the blog’s outbound links from which you are getting a backlink. If a blog has a PageRank 8 but 100+ outbound links, then it is better for you to get a backlink from a blog of PageRank 6 but only 10+ outbound links.
This post was contributed by DjFlush, who writes about Technology, Internet, Blogging, Seo, Gadgets, Google, and Software at Sizlopedia. I hope you enjoyed the articles. Feel free to ask him any question on this post and visit his site for a similar post