Automatically Keep watched YouTube Videos out of Browsing History

There can be thousands of reason why you would not want some YouTube videos showing up in your browsing history. Does not matter if they are those videos which you accidentally land on or videos which are just too private for you. Even if somebody cannot track your videos but its embarrassing if any one get to see it.

So the big question is that How do you automatically delete or clear watched videos from appearing in your browsing history without you visiting and deleting them manually.

Good News is that YouTube has just this feature available in your History section. So if, you been visiting there often, I am sure you have noticed it already but if not, here is your time.

  • Go to YouTube and Sign in
  • Visit this link
  • Select History link from the left side aka the Guide
  • Look for a big button which says Pause Viewing History
  • Bingo!! Now no video gets tracked in unless you un pause it.

Pause YouTube Viewing History

If you are aware, the viewing history play a great role in how YouTube brings in video suggestions for you.  That was one reason I had always deleted videos from my history list. Though I have not tested, but this might pause them too. Try it out.


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