Pin files, folders & Web Pages to Windows 7 Taskbar

Windows 7 Taskbar by default allows only executable or programs to get pinned to Windows 7 Taskbar. But what if you want to pin a folder or a file which you often visit ? You might argue that I can drag and pin any folder to Windows 7 Taskbar but then it does not get listed as separate pinned item but within the pinned item of that application.

Pinned Folder Default

Kishan @ Door2Windows has developed a Pinning application which lets you add almost anything to Windows 7 Taskbar and Start menu and managing it is as easy as doing a right click. For example I have added an image to taskbar which is not possible by default in Windows 7.

Windows 7 Pinner

It has list of items which you can add to Taskbar by just checking it or provide a path and icon path. Once added you can give a personalized name and it gets added as one of the item. The only thing missing here is there is no way you can update an existing item. You need to delete and recreate to change.  Download Windows 7 Taskbar Items Pinner


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