Quotepad is perfect for creating quick records and reminders

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I am heavy user of OneNote Office application and most of the things like schedules and to do is posted right there but for users who are looking for a lighter solution which can take quick notes and put a reminder on the back, QoutePad is an excellent solution specially looking at the under 1 MB size and simplest interface.

The interface looks like a mail box where you keep adding notes and have reminders with option to mark it as complete. It supports themes and lets you arrange all notes by month or date and even year.

It comes along with a hot key which lets you send any selected text any where on your computer to QuotePad specially when it comes to web sites though it will not add a link from where you copied it from but you can edit the subject line and put a reminder.

Database Backup / Export

All your notes are stored in a database used by the application. The good thing is that you can always point to an existing database by relocating it or export all your notes to be used elsewhere. And what came to my surprise was that this application does an automatic backup on its own.  Go to Settings > Database and select Database Restore.Before making a backup check the preview. This is perfect.

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