How To Reorder & Organize Pages of Any PDF

As a student or working professional, you must share multiple files daily. These files have vital information, and storing them as Portable document files (PDF files) keeps them secure and easy to access. But, often, you might come across poorly organized pdfs. In other situations, you might miss out on scanning or adding a few pages between your pdf.

Such things can become stressful problems and create time-consuming work when you are already loaded with work. To tackle the situation, you need some specific apps that can reorder or organize the pages of your pdfs. In this article, we will tell you about the top 5 tools to Reorder and organize pages of your pdfs easily in a few simple steps.

Another benefit is that they are free, so you don’t need to spend on purchasing their subscriptions to use them.

Reorder Organize Pages of Any PDF

Top 5 Free Tools to Reorder and Organize Pages of PDF

There are countless tools available on the internet to reorder or organize pdfs. So, it isn’t easy to choose the best one. But, we have solved this confusion by listing the best and free tools to reorder or organize pdfs:

  1. Notebloc
  2. Foxit
  3. ILovePDF
  4. Small PDF
  5. Adobe Reader

How easy is it to use them? How do they work? Let’s learn what makes them the best!

1. Notebloc

If you are looking for such a tool, notebloc must be your ideal choice. It is a reliable tool for scanning and organizing documents in a few easy steps. This is an entirely free app without any in-app purchases. You can easily reorder your pdf in sequential order using Notebloc.

It keeps your pdf saved with separate pages. So, you need to drag and drop the pages as per your desired sequence to get your reorganized pdf instantly. This reorder feature is not limited to the pdfs made using this app.

Instead, you can easily take any other pdf from Google Drive and reorder it similarly using this app. For this, notebloc has a backup and restore option to save files and reorder them.

Check it out Here

2. Foxit

Foxit is another free tool to make and record your pdfs quickly. This tool’s page panel can easily reorder and organize your files. For that, you need to drag and drop the page thumbnails of a document in your intended sequence.

Moreover, you can reorder thumbnails from one document to the other. To make that easy, the app has a search feature that can help you find documents easily to organize them into one another. After reorganizing, you can delete, add, compare, split or crop the pages and get your final pdf per your choice.

Check it out Here

3. ILovePDF

After scanning pdfs in the wrong order, scanning them all over again will surely make you fed up. In such a scenario, ILovepdf will let you quickly reorder them directly from the web browser within seconds.

You must upload your pdf file and drag and drop the pages as you want! Your pdf will be organized easily using its easy user interface. Furthermore, you can sort, add, delete or remove pages for further changes.

Moreover, you can sort pdf pages manually or by selecting page numbers from the 1-9 icon or name from the A-Z button. ILovepdf even enables you to sort files together from multiple pdfs automatically to reorder in one single pdf.

Check it out Here

4. Small PDF

Smallpox is another free and easy-to-use tool to make and reorder your pdf. To reorganize your pdf, you need to upload the pdf in the merge pdf tool. Next, you can see a preview of the pages in the page mode option and reorder them as per your choice. Consequently, select the merge pdf option and download the newly reorganized pdf.

Additionally, as per the name, you can merge or combine multiple pdf in the merge pdf option. Moreover, there are several pages mentioned below the preview of every page to help you reorder them. For this, a file size limit of 5GB is suitable for various operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Check it out Here 

5. Adobe Reader

Adobe reader allows you to create professional-looking pdf and rearrange or organize them in the way you want. You must open the app and drag and drop pages within your pdf in the required sequence. The rearrangement is even possible after combining multiple pages.

In the reorder pages option, you can delete and organize pages of any pdf file size. You can use it from the Adobe Reader mobile app on your PC. Also, if you want to add new pages in the pdf to reorder them, drag and drop them into another file to combine them into a perfect single pdf.

Check it out here


We have now reached the end of the article; we hope you would have found the right tools to reorder and organize the pages of your pdf file. All the tools mentioned above, Notebloc, Foxit, ILovePDF, Smallpdf, and Adobe Acrobat, are free, with a few easy steps to reorder your pdf within seconds. Also, they have lots of other features to get your perfect pdf in the desired sequence.


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