Read Lyrics while listening to songs with Lyrics Plugin

Lyrics Plugin is an excellent add-on, crafted for music lovers. You can read the lyrics of the track being played by you in Winamp or Windows Media Player and iTunes, It’s convenient in case the songs you listen has complex words, or something pronounced very differently ( ROCK SONGS! ). In this post, I will show how you can Read Lyrics while listening to songs with Lyrics Plugin.

Read Lyrics while listening to songs with Lyrics Plugin

How the Plugin works when you play the song

Music files have something called as ID3 tag. These tags define the where and about of any song. So, if the song you are playing has tags matching to an entry on the database, you will get the lyrics displayed in your lyrics window.

If somehow you don’t find the lyrics, you can click on the Edit Button given in the lyrics window, and enter the Title, Artist, and Lyrics. This entry will be submitted to the database, and the next person who listens to this song will have the lyrics, so in this way, you are helping and a music lover of your kind.

Edit Music Tags

Before you edit the lyrics, you should try changing the tags, i.e., Title, Artist, Album.

Add Lyriucs to ID3 Data

As sometimes you might not be able to see the lyrics. It can be because the file you are playing doesn’t have tags or wrong tags. Plugin for Windows Media Player has the same properties.

Installation of the plugin

Installation of these Plugins is simple as any other installations, once you are done with the installation part, open your Winamp, if you don’t see the lyrics window, get it by Alt+Y. Attach it with Winamp as per your convenience, regarding the position and dimension.

Lyrics Plugin for Winamp or Lyrics Plugin for Windows Media Player can be downloaded here. I liked this plugin a lot, hope you too like it. It works as long as you are connected to the internet.

I am sure you are now going to enjoy to read Lyrics while listening to songs. Let us know how was your experience.


  1. I am using this plugin on Winamp 10, and can’t save the lyrics to the songs. Many aren’t on the net and I have written them by hand but they disappear. If i don’t leave them permanently in now playing with Winamp On.

    i can’t seem to save or embed the lyrics for any future use. the display is great, have i not installed properly, and do i have to ne online always to obtain lyrics, even if I have added them prior? I have been hoping to lose songbooks and use a laptop on gigs. I have been on this 2 weeks solid, have tried numerous players, plugins, even karaoke.I don’t need the time markers. just a big bold display like i get with this plugin

    Just can’t manage to retain it? please help or if you have any suggestions or other options, i will be unbelievably grateful, and less sleep deprived! thanks

  2. I am having a similar problem, the lyrics plug-in works great on-line, but as I am a working musician, I need to play my song list using winamp 10, and have the full screen lyrics display available offline.

    I guess i was hoping to enter the lyrics of all my songs manually, and for wmp to retain them, so that when i bring a song up, the lyrics come too. I even looked into embedding the lyrics into the songs eg, mp3-g, but that got a bit complicated for my peanut brain, so if someone in cyberspace has a suggestion, im all ears, thanks.

  3. @ shelley,johnboy, The lyrics plugin works on kind of mechanism in which you can add the lyrics, but these lyrics are uploaded to the database on their servers, not locally on your HDD, so even if you have entered them manually you cannot access them until and unless you are online.

  4. Well i tried going to the help forum provided but that only redirected to the download page so i hope you don’t mind me posting my question/s here instead.

    how do i configure and edit the lyrics when the links get through but never actually accomplish the task once i submit? I get the whole ‘have to be online to do anything’ but this has me stumped. possibly, I thought since i switched to Firefox as default browser (it was ie8 when i first installed it) and uninstalled ie8 (but still retaining some features for some reason) and service pack three so could that be the problem? when i click configure/search Google, it still opens in an internet based window so I’m not quite sure.

    I actually really loved this plugin when i first got it as a replacement for the suddenly buggy ‘advanced tag editor-lyrics’ and i delighted in its lyric feature, particularly for only having to add only for the few, unknown foreign songs–even the ones with just characters could be quickly annotated! and a quick search function.

    So obviously it came as a huge disappointment when one day i just opened media player and found i could neither configure; text colours or backgrounds. i could still 'search google' though that was kinda unnecessary seeing i could not even edit any lyrics anymore.

    Being one who very literally can't Live without having the lyrics easily at hand -spent whole days searching for a replacement for advanced tag editor- i'd very appreciate it if someone could help me out on this.

    thank you for reading and sorry to bother you.

  5. Karaoke… Any one know if there is a simple plugin that can give one lyrics that animate, a marker that moves over them perhaps?

    Will I have to install something like VividLyrics which I have to pay for, and then download separate karaoke lyrics manually! This is sounding way to much admin.


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