When you copy something from a webpage, lets say a bunch of text, many other things get copied also such as HTML, Plain Text, Unicode, Image Format etc. So when you paste it elsewhere it is completely off from what you had expected.
Now though many editors like Office come along with Smart Paste which lets you choose what you want to paste but then if you are using an editor which doesn’t allow you to choose you follow the notepad path. Copy it to notepad and then paste it where you want so all extra junk doesn’t come along.
Clipboard Editor is one such tool that gives you option to remove formatting which you do not want and it removes it from the Windows Clipboard so you can paste it anywhere you want.
To use it as best, just pin to your taskbar and once you have copied it launch it. Now you will have option to all the kind of formatting available. Click on the one you want to keep and rest will be removed.
Few things which might confuse you :
Though the tool is pretty neat and works as said, some of the format names which you see on the editor might confuse you a bit such as System.String or System.Drawing.Bitmap which basically are text and image . So my suggestion is just click on what you understand like Html format, Unicode Text, Text etc and it should be enough for you to get through. Probably the developer need to hide these formats getting displayed as it does not make any sense.
Video Demo : ( Watch on YouTube )
More Tools :
Now if this sounds a bit complex and all you need is copy plain text from web pages, I will suggest you to use Copy Text Firefox Extension or if you prefer software so you can work along with anything on Windows, I will suggest you to use Pure Text which monitors your clipboard and using your own custom key ( i.e. Win +V ) you can paste it in pure text format.