Review : Death Rally Car Racing Game ( iPad )

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Death Rally is a combat car racing game for iPad and iPhone which takes you through various tracks racing and destroying other cars in the race with weapons like Missile Launcher, Mines, Shotgun, Snipers and so on. When it comes to graphics, A very impressive High Definition Graphics with Retina Display and full screen anti aliasing for iPad 2. You keep getting free updates on tracks, challenges and cars so it’s really worth buying.

So before I start talking about features for you to read, check out the video review below which will give you everything. So tighten up your seat belt and watch it!!

Video Review :

Direct Link

Game Play :

It is about racing, destroying and Winning but what differentiates this game from others is the different kind of challenges it comes after every race. Sometimes its Gold Rush while sometimes its Marathon, So if you end up playing this game for 2-3 hours in a row, I wont be surprised.

Tracks :

There are 8 tracks in total.

  • Adversary
  • Refinery
  • Rift
  • The Pit
  • Eureka
  • Oasis
  • Interceptors

Apart from these there are different types of challenges keep coming which might or might not involve weapons which will make the fun into pure racing mania.

DeathRally Tracks

Controls :

There are two controls, one that lets you steer the car and other which fires weapons. They are very smoothly done when it comes to response but if you plan longer lap track, thumb might get pain but I guess that will happen with any other game played long.

Deathrally Steering Controls

Garage :

  • You can choose between 8 cars starting from the basic one. Rest of cars get unlocked as you keep performing well in the races.
  • Every Car has Three basic upgrades Speed, Handling and Armor which you do with money you win in a race.
  • Apart from that you also get to unlock weapons in the same way of which levels can be upgraded to make it even more powerful.
  • Choose Colour of the cars by tapping.
  • 3D View of the cars
  • You have two weapons attached to every car of which one is very basic one but handy when it comes to killing of a dying car.

DeathRally Garage

Score Card :

The scores are given based on couple of factors which I have not seen in many other games. You get points on :

  • If you beat the boss in the race. Boss is the top player which you race against.
  • Cash Pickups
  • Lap Records Gap i.e. Its performance based.
  • Kill Count
  • Participation
  • Position

DeathRally Scorecard

Like I sad the money is used for upgrades and if all is done, it is used to increase your Fame. So if you look at your dashboard where you select tracks to race, There are two bars. On left it is Progress and Other is Fame. I am now a Celebrity over there. Though I am not sure how much it helps you while playing but this should be a nice scorecard to show off !!

Deathrally Fame

Download from iTunes


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