Rotate, Merge and Split PDF with PDForsell

PDForsell is an amazing free utility which allows you to rotate, merge and split PDF files within seconds. I find this useful in case where :

  • You want to correct some pages of PDF files which have incorrect rotation.
  • You can create a book preview of your e-Book by splitting parts or one chapter and give it out for free.
  • You can create series of tutorial by merging small books.

The best part is you can select few pages and then apply rotation or split as you want which saves a lot of time. And yes it can batch process.

Rotate Merge Split PDF

Apart from this you can encrypt the book with password and set it to read only mode if you do not want any further editing of the book.

To start using it just load the pdf file in the application. Any number of pdf files can be loaded. As it uses Adobe Acrobat to load you will have to navigate by using up and down arrow key.  Download PDForsell, Thanks Jason



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