Take Screenshot of Android Phone ( Non Root ) without connecting to Windows or Mac

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No Root Screenshot is an Android App which allows you to take screenshot of running applications, menus etc without rooting your phone which is a dream come true for many android users who don’t want to get into a mess where warranty gets void because of rooting. This app needs to be purchased from Android Market first and then needs to be setup using Windows or Mac. Below is a video and then steps in words explaining how you can complete this using Windows.

I installed this on a Windows 7 64 Bit system. Make sure when you download setup files for any of the installers, look for the right setup i.e. 32 Bit or 64 Bit for example.

Video Instructions to setup No Root Screenshot It

Direct Link

Installation Instruction :

  • Download the Adnroid SDK from here
  • It also needs Java JDK which can be installed from here. Look for download link which says Java SE and then choose Java JDK.
  • First install the Java JDK else Android SDK gets stuck in between. Second install the Android SDK.
  • Next Download the Screenshot Activator from here
  • Make sure your Phone is enabled for debugging mode and not enabled for USB Storage.
  • Install the screenshot activator and run it.
  • Once it is able to detect your phone, click on Enable Screenshot button.
  • You should get a success confirmation message now.

Screenshot confirmation message

Configure Screenshot It :

  • Screenshot Delay. Useful if you need to switch apps or tap two three times to reach certain sections of any app.
  • Pin to Status Bar is very useful as you need to switch task every time. Screenshot it menu stays on your notification area. I really wish it would have integrated in the menu like BlackBerry Capture it does.
  • You can also set to take screenshot when you shake it. Make sure to set shake strength else you will end up taking unlimited screenshot on your way back to home.
  • Image format between PNG and JPEG
  • You can use Flip Image if the image appears in reverse all the time
  • Invert colors if you see there is a difference in colors between the actual screen and the screenshot.
  • If you need to take screenshot in a row, disable preview.

No Root Screenshot It Options

Troubleshooting :

  • The only drawback of this app is when you restart your phone, the enabling needs to be done again. So if the error screen says it is not enabled you need to plugin to your computer and enabled it again.
  • In case you have not turned off your phone and still get the same error you need to plug in, disabled and then enabled again to resolve. This happened with me after using it for a day. Sometimes it was able to take screenshot and sometimes it displayed the error that Screenshot is not enabled.


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