Single installer to install your favorite free apps in one go

There could be scenarios, when you want to make your system ready for use by installing several free apps on your system, e.g. you just bought a new desktop/laptop, or due to some reasons you have just installed a fresh copy of Windows on your system, and so on.

At that time, the biggest issue which one faces is downloading the setup files for these installers one by one, and later installing them, or even if you have the setup files for all your favorite apps, it is kind of cumbersome, to install them one at a time.

Both Volery and Smart Installer Pack are great tools to help you with this; however here is another tool on same lines, FreeApp, which too works fine.

All you need to do is simply select the programs based upon your choice using the checkboxes, and later download a small installer (which is less than even 1mb), and run it on your system.

FreeApp install all apps in one go

Once you run the installer, just sit back and relax, it will do the rest. FreeApp installer will not only download the latest installers for your favorite app but will also install them on your system.

Here is a snapshot of FreeApp, while it is downloading, and will later install the apps on the system.

FreeApp downloading installers for selected apps

As soon as the first item in the list gets downloaded, it starts installing it, while the next download is in progress.

It also shows you the list on already installed apps on your system.

This definitely is a great utility, so go ahead and bookmark the FreeApp homepage for future use.



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