It’s common to open the same URL in the browser again and again. Having so many tabs, it makes it confusing, and many don’t realize that they have opened the same page again. So in this post, I am sharing extensions/add-ons for both Firefox and Google to help you close duplicate tabs, and also sort the tabs by URL.
Close duplicate tabs in Firefox and Chrome
The first two extensions are for Firefox and the latter two are for Firefox.
- Close Duplicate Tabs
- Clutter Free – Prevent duplicate tabs
- Close Duplicate Tab Closer
- Foxy Tab
Foxy Tab is a powerful extension to manage tabs, and also lets you Sort by URL/Title, Asc/Desc, Move, Reload, Reload Timer
Close Duplicate Tabs
IT can identify URLs which are open in multiple tabs and closes all instances retaining one. The URL has to be an exact match to be considered as a duplicate URL or duplicate tab.
Download from here
Clutter Free – Prevent duplicate tabs
If you are looking for an advanced version to mana duplicate tabs, Clutter-Free is a great option. It can help you prevent duplicate tabs. Like the above extension, as soon a duplicate tab opens, it will be marked. Click on the extension, and you can view all the duplicate tabs in one place.
Then it offers exhaustive options, and it is specifically for those who need to manage duplicate URLs, else its an overkill. You can whitelist URLs, use context menu, highlight duplicate URL with different color or shade and so on.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Show tab search window, or trigger extension button action: Ctrl+Shift+F (Listed as ‘Activate the extension’)
- Duplicate tab: Alt+Shift+D
- Whitelist page: None
- Whitelist domain: Ctrl+Shift+L
- Move tab to the last position in the window: Ctrl+Shift+X
- Switch between active & passive modes: None
Download from here
Close Duplicate Tab Closer
Its time to talk about Firefox Add-ons and this one is equally powerful as the above. You can choose to close tab automatically so you never have a duplicate tab, or let the extension monitor, and update the badge icon to indicate the number of duplicate tabs detected.
You can then configure what happens with the currently active tab. You can choose to move it to the end which is useful when you want to sort out the tabs. It also supports
- Whiltelist options: List of URLs to not close automatically.
- Priority options:
- Keep older tab (default)
- Keep an older tab and reload
- Keep newer tab
- Keep tab with https (default on)
- Keep pinned tab (default on)
- Filters options
- Scope options
- Customization options top define colors for duplicate tabs with rules.
- Hotkey: Alt+Shift+W to close all duplicate tabs
Download from here
Foxy Tab
It is an ultimate add-on which offers a range of actions for tabs. You can close duplicate tabs, close tabs which are on left or right, copy the title, merge tabs, copy URLs, Sort by URL/Title, Asc/Desc, Move, Reload, Reload Timer, and so on.
Download from here
We just published the Reuse Tabs extension ( for this exact purpose. It works on Chrome, Edge and Firefox and it’s a set and forget experience, nothing to configure, no accounts, no tracking.