Sort / Edit Columns in CSV or Tab delimited files with CSVFileView

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CSV or the comma separated values based files are not only difficult to read but they are very difficult when you want to really understand the data by using simple sorting etc, there is no way to do that unless you have option of  Microsoft Office Excel or upload to Google Docs. However if you are looking for a software based solution which works without both of them, CSVFIleView is an excellent solution.

This application reads and display the CSV file in a readable format with options to Sort the data according to the header of the CSV file. This makes the data analysis easier and very quick while saving a lot of time.

Imagine if you are on the move and get a Huge CSV file and you need to digg in the data to find highest and lowest or even product wise details, without right tool you cannot go ahead.

Apart from sorting, CSVFileView also allows you to change data i.e. Update Column data, Remove unwanted specially the empty field or Columns, Export as CSV, XML and HTML.

How to use it :

  • Make sure the file you will use is CSV or Tab Separated File
  • Next launch the CSVFile View and open the file in this application.
  • Now it is possible that many fields will be empty and hence you don’t need to display them as they will occupy a lot of space. So right-click on any column and select Choose Columns
  • Now you can uncheck fields which are not required and then do operations like Sort by Column, or Sort by original Order.
CSV File View
  • To edit any row, double-click to launch the editor. Here you can view all the fields. You can enter and update the values but for fields which are hidden will not be displayed.
  • You can save selected rows or the complete file also.
CSV File Editor
In case of no header :

Now the only drawback here is that many CSV or Tab Limited files do not have header without which this software will fail. Like we know headers becomes a key point when it comes to sorting. So if your CSV or tab separated file is not working as intended here, You need to add header.

  • For Tab Separated it is simple as you can quickly hit enter on the top line and add header for each column and then press tab.
  • For CSV based files, you need to first find out the line which max comma. Next You need to get on top of the file and then add a header with the same number of comma.

Download from developers site.


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