Spindex : Microsoft’s Project to bring entire social world in one page

I was expecting this kind of stuff from somebody from a long time. Social Networking has definitely taken over the entire internet world but with so many apps and so many sites it is easy to get distracted and managing it is a big time issue.

Microsoft’s Fuse Labs has this excellent project Spindex [ which is in Tech Preview now and you can request for an invite here ( You will need your Live ID ) ] which brings from Facebook to twitter to RSS and even Evernote in one page and of course you should be able to communicate with them.


From the above picture it looks to me like Office Outlook type layout or call it the Social Office Outlook. I am also assuming that this online tool should include a lot of analytics where you can find and analyze what is going on in different social network.  You can follow them on twitter @spindexme


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