The Ultimate tool for securing USB devices

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USB devices and portable hard disks are one of the most commonly used media to transfer files and they are the most vulnerable to carry virus inside. The best option is to have a good antivirus like Morro or others installed on your machine but you cannot find that on every computer. Keeping this in mind USB Security utilities was developed.

Features of USB Security utilities :

  • Built in virus scanner.
  • One click Backup files on portable device.
  • Protection from known files like Autorun.inf, recycle.exe, msocache.exe, recycled,exe,BIN, Syetm etc.
  • Provides with a risk level for each file in your USB

USB Security Home

How to install this application ?

Once you have downloaded and make it run, the application runs and checks if it is on a portable device else it will ask you to copy this to the USB device. In short to use it you will have to place it in your USB and then use it. Unfortunately the language used for the first time is Spanish and you will see the below screen.

USB Security First Install

So first plugin your USB and then run this application. Then using the above screen, select the USB drive letter and click on button which says Mover which means move.

Now go to the USB drive and then launch the application and go to last tab which says configuration. You will see a button which says English, click on it and the language will change. Download USB Security Utilities


  1. Id suggest users try Naevius USB Antivirus, simple yet effective USB protection. It doesnt run from the drive though, you’d have to install it.


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