Tilt to Live : iPad Game of the Week

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iPad with power of touch and orientation sense becomes a powerful device for  gaming apps. For example you can drive a car by holding your iPad and steering it like you do I your car. Amazing stuff.

To start with, today we will review a game, Tilt to Live, which will make you rotate while sitting anywhere.

Tilt to live is die or live kind of game where you need to stay blow away your enemies by triggering bombs available. The gamer is  represented by a small arrow-head and enemies by red dots from which you need ton stay away. You can control the arrow by tilting your iPad left right up and down.
TL Red Bomb Blast
The only rule, don’t touch the red dots and to control the population you need to blow them away. Every time you blow away a bomb, the point collection rate increase.

TL Pink Bomb

The best part of this game is that you  can play it in any posture. Lay down on your couch or hang you head down the bed. You can also set custom position if you want.

TL Custom Position

The classic version of game comes for free which has 5 types of bomb. If you want you can always buy and upgrade to get more levels and bombs. You can also select how you will hold your iPad and change it to custom settings if you want.

Tilt to Live Game Types

You can download the game from here and check out more screenshots of the game below :


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