Translated Foreign Pages in Google Search Result

Google Search has this one not so popular tool,  Translated Foreign Pages, which lets you find search result in one or many specific language compiled at one place. This is essentially, Google Translated Engine integrated within the search result. What Google Search Engine is doing here is picking up a page say, which is in English and the using Google Translation Engine to find proper match to your query. Ultimately you never have to go to Google Translation Tool to translate any page to a language you want.

Instructions to find Translated Page in Google Search :

  • Make a search in Google
  • On left hand side find a menu which says More Search Tools.
  • Mostly at the end if the list you will find the tool which says “Translated Foreign Pages”
  • Click on that and you will see a list of search result which is already translated pages of websites into couple of language except your language.

Translated Foreign Pages Option in Google Search


Translated Foreign Pages in Google Search Result

What you should notice about this here is :

On top of everything you will see  “Translated results for Your Query – My language: English▼”. You can select the upside down arrow to select a different language and the search result will show translated pages of that language only i.e. Webpages in Hindi translated from different language.

  • First section of this search result has Language, translation of your query into that language and number of result based on that.
  • The second portion is set of result which is into the language you have selected above from different language.
  • Each of these translated words can be edited by you ( if you are logged into your Google Account ) which is same as giving them feedback by correcting the translation.
  • At the max 5 languages can be added to the First Section. I am not sure on what factors the language selection is made but it depends on which language is selected under “My Language”

Here is small video demo of how it works :

Direct Link to YouTube Video if you cannot see the video below

In my view this is a very useful feature but since it is deep inside the tools section not many users will be able to make use of it. Either Google Should make it one of the most prominent tool or should add a link in the search some were. Whats your thought on this ?



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