Troubleshoot your Windows 7 PC with Fix it Center

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Troubleshooting Windows PC is a common scenario which we all do to solve issues that pops up from time to time. Right from Windows 7, Automated Troubleshooting became a part of the operating system. This not only helps you understand what is getting fixed but gives Microsoft a good feedback on their operating system is behaving in different environment.

Also the Windows 7 Action center helps you to keep finding solutions for your problems now and then and we have discussed here why it is so important and how it works.

Taking it one step ahead, Microsoft has now introduced another solution which works on the same line called as Microsoft Fix it Center : Automated troubleshooter for your PC. This desktop application has lot of small fixes available to all the users who install it in one place and can be used by you one by one to fix if the problem exists.

Fix it Center
Fix it Center

Once you install it in your computer from here, the Fix it center installs few troubleshooters based on your hardware and software in your existing computer.

Fix It Troubleshooters
Fix It troubleshooter

Once the installation is done, you can see list of solutions to the common problems which is seen taking place in many computers. If you remember any time the application crashes, Windows asks you to submit the report. So probably you know where it was getting used and why Windows 7 Action center was getting you a solution automatically.

Fix it Center Issues Detail
Fix it Center Issues Detail

You can see the details of the issues which is given in the center to understand if you are actually facing the same problem. If yes run the fix and see if it gets resolved.  When you click run it launches the troubleshooting wizard which takes care to see if there is any related problems also existing.

The good part is it does not apply the fixes blindly. You are also given an option to detect it first and then apply it which is much safer.

Fix it Apply Fixes
Fix it Apply Fixes

And depending on how the fix gets applied you can see the report for it. In case the fix gets failed you can submit another report back and see where it failed in the troubleshooting list.

Fix it Apply Fixes Details
Fix it Apply Fixes Details

Fix it Center Online Account :

Apart from this when you install the Fix it center in your computer, you are encouraged to create an online Fix it account. There are advantages of it :

  1. If you have more than one computer at home you can still use the same computer see the report online for each computer one by one.
  2. Fix it can be installed on server environment.  So if you are an organization you can install it on your server and manage each computer and see an online report of how your computers are behaving. You can see the list of software and hardware details for each of them.
Fix it Online Account
Fix it Online Account
Fix it Diagnostics
Fix it Diagnostics


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