Turn your iPad into a secondry wireless monitor | DisplayLink

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If you ever wished to turn your monitor into an extended display i.e. Secondary Monitor so you can move some applications or windows from your primary to here, such as videos, DisplayLink for iPad is an excellent option. To use this you do not need any cable or USB wire, just works over WiFi and can be used as Primary or Main Display.

This is how Windows Machine looks like when you choose iPad as your Primary / Main Display. Read on!!

Windows Desktop on iPad

Features of Display Link :

  • Works exactly like any standard monitor. Windows will detect this as secondary monitor when you launch the screen resolution.
  • Supports Aero Affect of Windows 7.
  • You can drag and drop window from your computer to your iPad.
  • You can change layout of your iPad Screen between Landscape and Portrait right from your Windows machine.
  • You can even change resolution.
  • Works over WiFi.
  • iPad App can auto detect your computer.

How does this work ?

DisplayLink needs a client to be installed on your windows machine and the app on your iPad. Then the app detects your computer and all you need is connect and you are ready to use.

How to setup Display Link on Windows

  • First Download the iPad from iTunes
  • Second install the client on your machine. Its a 13.8 MB setup file which supports Windows 7, Vista and XP including 32 and 64 bit machines.
  • Make sure your iPad and your computer are on the same WiFi Network.
  • Once the setup installation is complete, you will be asked to secure it with a password. Suggest you to do so.

Menu Options for Displaylink on Windows

  • Now launch the iPad App and see if you can find your computer listed there.  If yes tap to connect and enter password. If you cannot see try adding the IP address of your computer else you need to troubleshoot to get it there.

Windows PC detected on Displaylink App

  • When connected for the first time, the DisplayLink Client will flash your primary monitor twice to adjust and make it optimized for video streaming. So though connection does setup but you will be prompted to optimize resolution according to iPad.
  • Display Device Detection in WindowsDone that now you can launch the screen resolution in Windows and change accordingly. You can also adjust layout accordingly and this is how it looks like :

Change Screen resolution of Secondary Monitor

Video Demo of  Display Link


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