Twitter to introduce Contributors Feature similar to Co-Tweet

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Twitter has a great ecosystem around it and one of the best service is Co-Tweet which allows multiple users to use the same account to tweet. This came in very handy for business and websites where multiple authors were given permission to tweet from that account without sharing the password.

Same feature seems to be coming to Twitter also as Descary Discovers and seems to be under testing. Under Settings of a Twitter Account, you will see an option which says “Contributors” where you will have option to add users who can access the account. Once Included they will be able to switch and use the account to tweet but nobody else will be able to make any changes in Profile or Password.

Though there are no screenshot on how the account is getting included but I am guessing this will similar to how oAuth Works. One account will get permission to use another using oAuth and the user who is invited as contributor will also have to onfirm the same by accpting the invitation.

Anytime you want to remove, you will need to login to the main account from where the permission is granted and remove the accounts which are not required any more.

Though Descary says its more like Switching Account and Managing multiple account, for me its more like Adding users to the same account with limited feature open to them.  You can read his post to find more screenshot and start thinking how the feature will be.

Thanks  @meetshriram for sharing.


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