Video : Authorize anybody to upload files to your Dropbox

Dropbox is one of the services of current times which doesn’t need any introduction at all, almost every internet user is well aware of this file quick modern way of sharing files, there are loads and loads ways of using Dropbox, also there are several ways in which the service is helping people apart from being just a simple file sharing service almost with no file size specifications.If you are new to Dropbox, make sure you read our guide, “How to start with Dropbox and How it Works”

Current Scenario :

Currently if two users want to share files with each other and if both of them have Dropbox Account, sharing files is as simple as creating a folder.

New Situation :

Now, consider a scenario, if somehow, you just want to receive files from someone without sharing a folder, or may be the other person doesn’t have a Dropbox account already, what would you do in such case? You can probably ask the person to email those files to you, or maybe you will have to use some other file sharing service where the sender will upload the files to the service servers, and later you will have to download them manually.

Solution :

Here is another great option, allow him/her to upload files directly to your Dropbox folder, sounds great, isn’t it? This free service named as DROPitTOme allows a person to upload a file in your Dropbox folder, this uploading is password protected, and i.e. in order to upload a file in your Dropbox folder the person needs a unique URL and a password as well.

How to setup DropitTOme ?

Now in order to allow others to upload files to your Dropbox, you need to go through a small setup, go to the DROPitTOme page, click on the ‘Register’ button, later it will prompt you to login to your Dropbox account in order to allows the DROPitTOme to access your Dropbox, during this process what DROPitTOme does is, it grabs the unique ID of your Dropbox and nothing else.

Allow anyone to upload files to your Dropbox dropittome

As soon as you allow DROPitTOme to access your Dropbox account, it later will ask you to create a password, a username and an upload password –

  • Create a password for your DROPitTOme account.
  • Create a username for your DROPitTOme account which also will give you the URL, this URL will be the unique one which actually points to your Dropbox, anybody who wants to upload a file to your Dropbox will to visit this URL. (this URL is of form
  • Upload password is the password which will be required by the person uploading the files to your Dropbox.

authorize file upload to your dropbox by anyone you want

Once done with these steps, your DROPitTOme account is ready; the service will give you the URL which is to be used for uploading the files to your Dropbox, now you can send the URL and the upload password to the person in email or via IM from whom you want to receive the file, and get the files uploaded to the folder named as DROPitTOme in your Dropbox folder.

As soon as a file is uploaded to your Dropbox via the DROPitTOme, an email notification hits your inbox, telling you about the upload done in your Dropbox folder.

Video Dem of DROPitTome

Here is a small video which shows the upload procedure to any Dropbox using the DROPitTOme –

How to turn off Dropittome ?

You can login to your DROPitTOme account to manage it, like you can use the ‘EDIT’ option to edit passwords etc. Also you can ‘TURN OFF’ uploads temporarily. Also if you want you can remove DROPitTOme completely from the applications list of your Dropbox account to completely turn of such uploads via DROPitTOme.

manage your dropittome account

DROPitTOme comes with just one restriction, i.e. the size of file to be uploaded should not exceed 75MBs.

Similar Solutions :

In case you aren’t aware of, there are options to email the files to your Dropbox and also there is another way to let anybody upload files to your Dropbox folder.

So, in case you want somebody else to upload a file to your Dropbox, try these solutions and choose the one you like, this option is great for people like me who don’t like the emails with attachments, this is the best to get rid of those manual downloading of attachments from your emails.

Try DROPitTOme


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