Not sure how we missed it but was pretty happy to see that if even if you do not have a Windows Phone, you can still use Xbox Live Gamertag using the App which is optimized both for iPhone and iPad and works exactly the same as the Game App on the WP and its even more as it combines the Online Dashboard Videos here.
The App replicates the Metro Dashboard Update for Xbox and the Online change that took place and comes with same set of sounds which you hear on Xbox.
Features of My Xbox Live App
Once signed in with your Xbox Live Account or the Gamertag, the app displays three sections Home, Social and Games. The App is available for free on iTunes
Video Demo :
Home :
Mostly Videos but you get to see News and Latest release. You can also do a search but its limited to spotlight sections. The best part of the app is that you don’t is the Xbox Spotlight Feeds, Breaking News, Game Tips etc from Xbox even if you aren’t around your Xbox Console making it much easier for you to keep yourself in touch with Xbox Live.
Social :
- On left List of Online and Offline Friends and you can send message across.
- On Right you have your own profile with avatar with option to View Profile, View Messages, Edit Avatar and check out the beacons. Though I did not find any way to edit them.
- You can select any of your friends and then compare games played side by side.
- Lists down all the recently played games and check achievements
- Search games played if you have loads of games to fit in one place.
Privacy Settings :
This lets you change options for Voice / Text, Profile Sharing, Online Status, Member contact, Game History and Friends List.
What is Missing in this App :
Even though it does a good job but one of the major feature of browsing the Xbox market place and then ability to download games and schedule it for my Xbox to download is still missing. I am sure there are many users who would love to casually surf on iPad for games and watch videos etc and then buy an Xbox Games.
Second thing which is more of my Wish List is making this into a Companion App which is exclusive to Windows Phone till now. This will make users very happy but for some reason its is tied up with Zune and not everybody can download it as of now.