Facebook App for iPad is finally out and if you have it installed you should see an update available. However it is possible that if you are out of United States, the app update might not be available in your iTunes App Store as of now. It happened with me and I had to use a different account to download it.
Video Review :
Watch on YouTube
What I liked about the App :
- Supports HD Video play even though flash is not supported but HTML 5 is.
- Video can be seen on your Apple TV using AIRPLAY.
- When you open a conversation it loads up in the sidebar on right where you can comment, like etc and also its very convenient that you can see other updates as well.
- iPad Album like Slideshow of Facebook Photos.If you got bandwidth, you will love it.
- Status Update lets you select Audience or List you want to share the update.
- You can close the chat window.
- You can control notifications from the iPad Settings Menu. You have options to control Messages, Wall Posts, Friends Requests, Friend Confirmations, Photo Tags, Events, Comments, Place Tags, Nearby Friends and Application Requests.
What I did not like about it ?
- Integrated Search is missing. I would love to have a search on the menu bar which lets me sear
ch anything anywhere. Even contacts don’t have search. - Though You can close the chat sidebar, it doesn’t go off and stays there. This is a miss as it cannot take advantage of iPad Full Screen.
- This app is not up to date with the current timeline feature that was rolled out. Seems like Facebook rushed it here a bit.