Video Review : Gun Bros for iPad ( Game )

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Gun Bros for iPad is one of the most addictive action packed multiplayer online game where you flight aliens on different planets along with your friends.  Killing Aliens give you money which you need to buy even more powerful guns to complete 200 levels, 4 Planets and 7 more to come.

I guess that defines almost everything in Gun Bros. I have played this game since 2-3 months and is I can rank it parallel to RoboKill Game when it comes to Game experience. Below is Gun Bros video review where I have described everything with game play.

The Goal of this game :

Is to make money and buy powerful games. The problem however comes in advanced level where to buy guns you need war bucks and killing aliens don’t get you war bucks. The only option is either you do in App purchase ( which is costly ) or download some games which is advertised in the game.

But in my experience the level comes at very later stage so you can still enjoy game playing.

The Graphics  and Sound Affects :

Absolutely Superb.  If you have played shooting games like this you will definitely love this. Every planet has its own specialty of enemies, powerups etc and it will make you fine tune your reflex.

Gun Bros for iPad

Difficulty :

Not very difficult except when you are at last 10 stages i.e. 40to 50, last being almost impossible to complete but works out at the end. Like I said before you need powerful guns to complete the game.

The business model of the Game :

If you aren’t willing to put a lot of time to play and earn money to buy bigger guns, Gun Bros have their own bank from where you can buy War Bucks. The cost is as follows :

  1. 15,000 coin package$0.99
  2. 230 War Buck package$4.99
  3. 35 War Buck package$0.99
  4. 465 War Buck package$9.99
  5. 526,000 coin package$4.99
  6. 653,000 coin package$9.99
  7. 7170 War Buck package$24.99
  8. 8350 War Buck package$49.99
  9. 9710 War Buck package$99.99
  10. 10134,000 coin package$24.99

Else the game is absolutely free.

Download Gun Bros from iTunes


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