What is HP ePrint and How it helps

HP ePrint is a service where you can add a web enabled printer and in turn the ePrint service gives an email id to the printer. The next thing you can do is send an email to that email address with documents attached and your printer will start printing it no matter where you are. Awesome right ? And this service is free of any cost. Even if you are small business organization you can make use of it without any trouble.

Lets take couple of scenarios.

First One. You are in a tour and a copy of your passport is required by your parents at home for some official purpose. If this printer is ready at home, you can just get your passport scanned and send email to the printer where your parents get a copy right there. Well you can argue that there is fax and so on but we aren’t talking about the old way of doing things. This facility at home or office not only saves time but hassle of so many steps somebody will have to put to get the work done.

Take another scenario. You went for meeting but forgot to get all hard copy documents at home but since you have all soft copy accessible from mobile, you can very well send an email to the printer at office desk to get it done by the time you reach office. That’s a time savior. Now don’t tell me that you can very well email it to your colluge and he can print it for you. We all know that right!!.

Now lets get into some more details on how you can use HP ePrint and add printers and stuff like that. There is a complete FAQ on this if you are interested to get more details.

Features of HP ePrint

  • Add any web enabled printer to ePrint Center.
  • A complete access list which determines who can send an email to printer for print jobs.
  • Complete details on what was printed i.e. Printer status, add and remove print apps, and manage ePrint settings and job history from any web browser, at home or on the go
  • Mail Clients supported are : Outlook 2003, 2007, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, BlackBerry Mail, Nokial and Apple Mail.
  • Attachment supported : Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Excel, Text files (.txt), PDF and Images (bmp, jpg, png, gif, tiff).
  • Size Limit is up to 5MB
  • In case the ePrint Service cannot connect to printer, it stays for 24hours on their server and then gets deleted.
  • It is also possible to remove your printer from the ePrint Server from the printer itself.

Here is a set of video which explains the HP ePrint in detail. Check it out.


  1. Um, an open email address that will print whatever it receives? I don’t think so. I’d rather rely on my VPN (both to home and the office, can be run on consumer-grade routers) and print directly thank you very much. 🙂


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