What is HP Open Extensibility Platform (OXP) and FutureSmart

HP has lots of printer model around the globe which creates a common problem, How to manage them because for each printer there is a driver and each has their own way of working. Also as the users became smarter it became most obvious to have a unified interface but also a need for platform which allows the latest printer to be much smarter.

In my visit to Singapore for the HP Innovation Summit, we were introduced to OXP and FutureSmart which in very simple word is an Operating System and firmware for the future coming printers and few of old models can be upgraded to have it.


OXP stands for Open Extensibility Platform which actually extends the capability of printer to

  • Work with just one driver no matter what model it is.
  • Same User interface in all the models which means if you have move from one office to another you don’t have to put time to learn the new interface to print.
  • Offer a server based solution to manage fleets of printer you have in your office. Which means any complex solution or application will work on both new and old printers. This web based solution is called as Web JetAdmin.
  • Security interface so you can manage who can print, what can be printed and how much can be printed.
  • Support for Cloud Computing.


FutureSmart is basically the firmware for the printers which makes it possible to bring new features into the printer without upgrading them. So features which aren’t restricted too much by hardware can still get them without you buying the new printer.

  • You will be able to Batch upgrade any number of printers.
  • Run multiple applications together and future apps can be installed.

Here is a video talking about both OXP and FutureSmart. You will love watching it.


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