Whats new in Conditional Formatting in Excel 2010

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Conditional formatting ( CF) is one tool in Excel which helps you in mastering  analyzing the data. CF was introduced in Office 2007 which has improved in Office 2010.

  • The Bars can be solid now. Office 2007 bars had gradient effect which was confusing because of the visual appearance. e.g. A bar for 5 had reducing gradient. It also has Axis support when you have positive and negetive values.

Solid Bars in Excel 2010

  • New set of Icons for CF.

New Icons Sets for CF

  • It is possible to change icons used for KIP i.e. You can have two arrows with different colours of if negative impact and positive growth are good for you.

Mixed Icon Sets for CF

  • You can now refer to data on different sheet and even a range in CF.

CD Data Range

  • CF can not handle error by skipping them i.e. In case any of the data in cell has NA or Error Values, CF just skips them and applies formatting to rest of them.


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