Wifi Sync Windows files/folder to your Android phone without need of extra software

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Nobody likes to connect their mobile via USB these days to get files in and out of their phone. All we  look is for  a WiFi Sync App which can do the job. Today I will introduce you an Android App which does this job smartly. The app is called as Wifisyncr and what is unique about this app is that it does not need any extra software to be installed on your computer.

In short Wifisyncr uses the Windows Network Sharing Protocol to connect with any folder you have shared and this sync can be done two ways i.e. If the source file is removed, files can be removed from the phone also. This is optional though

I did not find any details on how this app works on the Market Place and so below is a video tutorial followed by detailed explanation. Both of them include troubleshooting.

Video Demo for Wifisyncr:

Direct Link

How to set up Wifisyncr

Like I said it simply syncs with any shared folder on windows. So setting up is not difficult.

  • First create a folder which you want to sync.
  • Right click and select Properties. Click on Sharing Tab and Enable Sharing.
  • Cross check if the folder is accessible by checking from the Network Icon.

Sharing Files with Everyone Access

  • Done this download the app from here, Install and Launch it.
  • Make sure both your PC and Android phone are connected over same network.
  • Click on Plus Icon on top left to create a new sync profile.
  • Add a name and then move to Choose a Source.

Wifi Syncr Profile Details

  • Here you will need to scan for your computer. Though the app says it can search by name but it did not work for me. You can also search by IP address.Find your IP address in Network Sharing.

Wifi Syncr Profile Scanner

  • Once you can see the network shared folders, navigate to the one you want to sync and add it.
  • Next you need to choose where you want to save this on your mobile. Browse and select a folder. I will suggest you to create a new folder.
  • Done this, your profile is complete.
  • Hit the Sync Button and your files will be synced.

Wifi Syncr Profile Options

Updated Features :

  • Sync All Widget
  • Lets you select local directory easily now.

Troubleshooting :

Username Password for Computer

If you are asked for username and password right after when you made a search for your computer and it does not work with username and password of your computer, You will need to Turn Off Password Protected Sharing. This is available under Network and Sharing Center > Change Advance Sharing Settings > Home or Work > Password Protected Sharing.

Password Protected Sharing in Windows

Username Password for Shared Folders

The folders which are shared over network are under the user account. Hence when you access from your phone it will ask for username and password. I tried it couple of times and even with new user but it doesn’t work. The only option is to share it with everyone.

Sync Takes a long time

If the sync takes long time to complete, hit the sync button again. This happened for me for every first sync for a new profile. Next time it worked like a charm.

Data Usage :

It collects data based on how you use it so the app can be improved but if you are not comfortable with that, turn it off in the General Settings.


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