Windows 10 Shell commands you should know

Today while looking around the registry I found a Windows Syntax which can be executed from the Run prompt. It is shell:XYZ where XYZ is the short name of programs you can execute.  Here are few before I can dive into detail.

Shell Commands Windows

Windows 10 Shell commands you should know

When dealing with Libraries, shell:Libraries will open Windows 10 default Document, Picture, Video, and Music Library. If you want to access individually try shell commands from 2-5.

  • shell:Libraries
  • shell:MusicLibrary
  • shell:VideosLibrary
  • shell:DocumentsLibrary
  • shell:PicturesLibrary

Few more which I found are useful :

  • shell:User Pinned To quickly add or delete pinned programs
  • shell:savedgames Bulk deletes all the saved games from here.
  • shell:systemcertificates Find all the installed certificates from here.
  • shell:contacts Contact list of logged in user.
  • shell:sendto Customize your send to context menu by directly adding folders, shortcuts etc here.
  • shell:Cache Opens the temporary folder.
  • shell:profile All the folders of your profile
  • shell:cookies Contains all your browser cookies.

I found all these accidentally when trying to find a registry hack for Send to Command and I landed up right here

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ explorer \ FolderDescriptions

This section of the registry lists all the short commands that can be used as I mentioned above. Also if you want to change the nice name you can do that by selecting any of the keys, however I am not sure how it is going to affect other programs when they use the same.  If not change maybe you can add it by copying the existing one and giving it some other name.

I hope the post was easy to follow, and you were able to quickly open the shell folders such as the library, contacts, send to folder, profiles, and more using run prompt. You can also create shortcuts for these folders on the taskbar to open them quickly.


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