Wireless Networking Standard : 802.11n

We might still be using the blue tooth and old fashioned cordless phone and curse it all the time as it serves a low range coverage; the time has changed. The new wave in wireless networking, the emergence of 802.11n low cost and easily installable WAP devices will get the new shape, especially in the multimedia transfer. With the growth in real-time and convergent applications, future wireless networks have to deliver high-performance levels. This is what makes 802.11n exciting.

802.11n WIFI Standard

What is 802.11n?

  • A new high-speed wireless standard after 802.11 b and 802.11g
  • It’s an improved version of WI-FI, which will remove all the coverage problems and poor quality of signals.
  • It is another modulation technique that has recently been developed in response to the growing demand for high-performance wireless LANs.
  •  It carries data faster and farther than its predecessors and is perfectly suited to multimedia transmission.

What 802.11n delivers?

According to Matthew Walmsley, product marketing director, 3 com, Asia Pacific

  • Works on both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency Bandwidth.
  • Offers to speed up to 540MBps.
  • Covers distance up-to 200 feet and 60 feet indoors.
  • Easy to adopt and Backward compatible with other Wi-Fi standards.
  • Supports all platforms from consumer electronics to personal computing.

Future Ahead

802.11n is undoubtedly a great leap in Wi-fi technology and standards, but it is still under IEEE scanners. It will change a lot of things as soon as it is released. But this is not just the end. There is another standard already making it move into the market. 802.16 or WI-MAX, it will be making a bigger splash as the prospects are more. This technology offers 70MBps speed up-to 48 km ( 802.11n gives 540 in 200 meters ), which will be adopted by large corporate campuses and rural areas.

Find more details of 802.11n at Wikipedia.


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