If you had been an avid Video Blogger, specially a YouTube Partner, I have some good news to share with you all. I am able to see a completely different upload page which has made my life a lot easy when it comes to editing videos for information, meta data, play list entries etc both while uploading and after uploading the video.
YouTube team definitely has taken some of the feedback pretty seriously, and the video upload page almost eliminates the need of editing video page again which many of us often used to visit again. Below is the list, followed by the details on every section.
- Tabbed Interface
- Adding details on Monetization is simpler.
- Possible to Add Thumbnail on the same page.
- Add Video to Play list.
- Sharing Section of video on the same page.
- Icons which tells you if the video is monetized and if its public or private.
The Tabbed Interface :
Instead of all the metadata fields stacked one after the other, now you have tabbed interface which means less scrolling and even lesser confusion when entering details of the video.
The option of Basic Info, Monetization and Advance Settings are easy to access now, specially the basic info part where now you can quickly add details, change options etc, All thanks to the beautiful layout.
Monetization made simpler
Instead of putting in details of copyright and explaining in 1000 words why you owned that video, YouTube will ask you just one time, the first time and will ask you to agree with terms and conditions, where it is stated that
By clicking here, I confirm that I own all elements of this video or that I have sufficient commercial use rights for all audio and visual elements necessary to monetize this video. I understand that YouTube may require proof of commercial use rights and/or may suspend my monetization or my account for repeated abuses of this system. I understand what is needed; please do not show me this message again.
Once you have agreed to this, this never pops out again. All you get is option where you can choose what kind of advertisements you would like to set up.
This is an excellent step because most of the YouTube Partners had the same kind of explanation for every video and explaining this every time was time consuming and useless.
Features enabled after video upload
Once uploading is complete, most of us used to open the video page and used to share the Video on social network, copy the embed code, copy the link, HD video link etc. This can not be done right from the same upload page, once upload is complete and a Share Button is enabled which opens up the same sharing area which is seen under every video page.
Second, now you also have the option to add the video into any playlist, right from here. This is really useful because most of the times we used to forget doing that. However it still doesnt tell you where the video was added if you click on add to again.
Lastly, YouTube Partners will not have to open the edit video page to add custom thumbnails and regular users can choose one of the three thumbnails generated right from the upload page, after the video upload is complete.